Monday 16 February 2009

Tesco and the annoyance

Since I stated working at Tesco back in August 2007, i have found that I have just let my degree go to waste, mainly because I only got a job at Tesco as a stop gap until I found a better job with career opportunities. 

Recently Tesco (managers) have really been annoying me and getting me down. The reason is they have just not been supportive at all and constantly complaining about how I work and the fact i have to go in to hospital which then makes me feel like leaving my health and just working, which is not a good plan. And I know when you feel down, you feel tired, unmotivated and your health starts to suffer. As a result of not only talking to my Psychologist and a phone call I received while in hospital this time (6th feb to 13th Feb) I have decided and come to the conclusion that they will never or want to understand and they are really are not worth the worry and that my health and people around me are far more important. If they decide to get rid of me, at least it will not be down to me giving up, which will make me feel much better about myself. 

With certain individuals at Tesco, I think if you really have to be so nasty, then they must really have a horrible life to be that nasty to others and that I should not get annoyed but pity them instead. My whole attitude now with Tesco is, I go there now to work to earn money and sometimes have a chat to my work colleagues, which i do enjoy, we normally have a cup of tea before and after work.

All in all, my attitude has changed and i am now looking at things in a different way, such as separating my feelings and my thoughts where need be. I am definitely looking at life in a more positive way and actually feel that much happier with myself. I owe some thanks to My sister again, my Psychologist for getting me to look at things in a different way and Michelle for coming in to my life and just being amazing :) I know i mentioned this in my last blog but it is amazing how much someone can do without having to do that much, even a smile can cheer you up.

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